You can access your 2025 Rehearsal and Concert Schedule in two ways:


Click to view or download the Rehearsal Schedule as an .ics feed, which you can subscribe to on your favourite electronic calendar platform:


Download a PDF Rehearsal Schedule from the Member Login area:

Need more information?

Here are some tips on adding the Rehearsal Schedule to your calendar that may help:

  • Google Calendar
    • Open Google Calendar.
    • Click the gear icon → Settings.
    • Go to Import & Export.
    • Select the downloaded .ics file and click Import.
  • Apple iCal (Mac/iPhone)
    • Double-click the .ics file or open it with Apple Calendar.
    • Choose the calendar you want to add it to and click OK.
  • Microsoft Outlook
    • Open Outlook and go to FileOpen & ExportImport/Export.
    • Select Import an iCalendar (.ics) file and follow the prompts.

Still have trouble?

Don’t worry! You can simply download the PDF version of the Rehearsal Schedules from our website – access if with the password in your Welcome email.

Key Benefits of adding the Rehearsal Schedule to your Calendar

ICS file stands for Internet Calendaring and Scheduling. It’s a standard file format used to store calendar information, such as events, appointments, and reminders. Commonly used by applications like Apple iCal, Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook, ICS files make it easy to share and import schedules across different platforms.

Any changes made to Rehearsal Schedules will be automatically updated to everyone’s calendar, and syncing the WAYO rehearsal schedule ICS file with your calendar helps prevent scheduling conflicts.