to provide quality musical training and performance opportunities for young musicians to enrich their lives and the culture of Western Australia


Congratulations on being offered a position in the WA Youth Orchestras! We hope that this season you will take the opportunity to learn a lot, work hard, make some great friends and have an exceptional musical experience.

We ask that both members and parents take a few minutes to read through this Member Handbook thoroughly before filling the the Member Registration Response Form at the end. You can also view and download a PDF copy of the handbook below, and keep it bookmarked as a reference guide.

With best wishes from all of us in the WAYO office,
Ben, Elisa, Breanna & Yvette


  • What is the cost of membership?
    » Individual membership $640
    » Subsequent family members $590

  • When are rehearsals?
    Every Saturday of the school term, 9am – 12pm.

  • When is the first rehearsal?
    Saturday 10 February, 2024

  • Can I access a rehearsal schedule?
    The draft rehearsal schedules for all ensembles will be made available in early 2024; these are subject to minor changes throughout the year.

  • How do I find out about string deskings & seating positions?
    String deskings, seatings, and violin sections will be finalised by February 2024 and will not be discussed prior to this. Deskings will be released through the Members area.


The Western Australian Youth Orchestras Association Inc. (formerly the Western Australian Youth Music Association) is a non-profit community Association dedicated to musical excellence.

Since being founded in 1974, WAYO has grown to now offer several ensembles, which include the Western Australian Youth Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra, Flute Choir, Camerata Orchestra, and Collegium & Sinfonietta String Orchestras.

WA Youth Orchestras’ over 400 members are aged from 7 to 25 and are drawn from all parts of Western Australia. The Association regularly reaches live audiences in excess of 30,000 per annum through a variety of performances – from prestigious international conductor seasons at the Perth Concert Hall to relaxed outdoor family concerts to interactive educational concerts for kids.

We look forward to celebrating 50 years of WAYO in 2024!


Auditions are held each year in November and December for the following calendar year. All members are required to re-audition each year. Positions are often rotated throughout the year, and after initial placement the conductor reserves the right to make seating changes throughout the season.

Applications to apply to audition for 2025 will open in August 2024.