desk sets / original parts

Each orchestral desk is provided with a folder containing original parts to be used at rehearsals and concerts only. Please treat original parts (desk sets) with respect, and refrain from marking them too heavily.

The music folders and original parts are not to be taken home.

practice parts

Where possible, digital practice parts are available for download from the Members Area on the WAYO website. Parts should be used for individual practice and to take to teachers for advice. No practice parts may be shared with non-members for copyright reasons.

If you require additional practice parts or are not able to download and print practice parts yourself, please inform the Operations Manager or Assistant at rehearsals, or contact the WA Youth Orchestras office.

care of music

Sheet music is expensive to replace. Members will be charged for missing or damaged parts.

Any necessary bowings or markings need to be made in soft 2B pencil so that they can be erased before the parts are returned to their source.

Members need to ensure that all music is returned in good order to their correct files. Often ‘missing’ parts are found in another file or inside another piece of music.

Music folders are to be neatly returned to the Operations Assistant at the end of rehearsals, or left on stands at the end of concerts.