1. What inspired you to learn an instrument?
I always loved watching and listening to recordings of others playing instruments, which really inspired me to learn so I could play the music I loved listening to. When I started learning the violin, a big inspiration for me to practice was performing for people. It makes me really happy to be able to perform for people who enjoy my music. A few years after learning the violin, I was interested in learning another instrument and so started learning the piano. My sister was a strong influence in this decision, and watching her play really inspired me. As I discovered my passion for music, I began joining orchestras like WAYO, choirs and chamber groups. Now looking back on this, learning an instrument is probably one of the best decisions I have ever made!
2. What does it mean to you to be one of the violin scholarship recipients for 2019?
I feel very honoured and privileged to be awarded a WAYO violin scholarship as it gives me the opportunity to play on a better instrument. This means a lot to me and I would like to say a big thank you to the donors for providing this wonderful opportunity.
3. What has been the highlight of playing with WA Youth Orchestras?
I’ve had so many great moments with WAYO like making new friends and working with different conductors, but my highlight would probably have to be the end of year concerts at the Perth Concert Hall. It’s always a great way to finish the WAYO season and I love performing, especially in an orchestra. I love watching the other ensembles and it’s always a fantastic night!
4. Who is your favourite composer? What is your favourite piece?
This is an extremely tough question for me as there are plenty of amazing composers and pieces. However, my favourite composer would probably have to be Shostakovich. His emotive, bittersweet works are so indescribably incredible, and I love listening to and playing his works. I have so many favourite pieces I can’t choose one, but some of them include Symphony No. 40 in G minor by Mozart, Holst’s Planets, Shostakovich’s Waltz No.2 and his Romance from the Gadfly.
5. Outside of music, what other interests do you have?
I am a keen debater and I enjoy reading and playing soccer. After having drama as an elective this year, I have become very interested in musical theatre, especially since it involves music! I have been swimming for just about as long as I can remember, and it remains one of my best interests.