Our 2024 Donors

WA Youth Orchestras would like to thank our generous donors who have played a vital part in supporting our activities.

Special thanks to the following who have made a significant contribution in support of WA Youth Orchestras:
LJ & MI Collins
Patricia H Reid Endowment

Symphony Supporters (+$501)
Neil Archibald & Alan R. Dodge AM
Peter Blaxell
Ben Burgess
Anderson Chan & Family
The Chan Family
Carol Day OAM
Warwick Hemsley AO
Julian Heng & Cheryl Chan
The Heng Family
Jan & Kevin Jackson
The RE & FJ Ledger Charitable Trust
Margaret & Hugh Lydon
Gaye & John McMath
The Phillis Family
Larissa Sergeyeva
Vanessa Tan
Reto Vogel
Anonymous (5)

Scherzo Supporters ($100 – $500)
Sophie Brozicevich & Family
Anderson Chan & Family
Ishita Chatterjee
Brendon Coulthard
RR & DA Fairclough
The Fok Lok Family
Andrea Gillett
Michelle Newick
John van Bockxmeer
Kim & Robyn Westbrook
Anonymous (9)

Sonatina Supporters (under $100)
Paul Bonser
Kathy Al Kaisi
Judy Jones
Mical Jury
Sean Li & Vivian Song
Chris Kalli
Carole Katz
Marilyn Phillips OAM & Prof. Alan Bittles AM
Chris Wang
G Wood – Perth Flute Lessons
Anonymous (158)

Thank you to those who have chosen to make a legacy gift to WA Youth Orchestra by generously including us in their Will.

Join our ensemble of supporters

If you would like to make a donation and become one of our valuable supporters, you can donate online
For information about other ways in which you can support us, please contact WAYO’s Executive Director, Ben Burgess.