The Sinfonietta is the entry level for string players to the Association.
Weekly rehearsals focus on string technique, orchestral practice and ensemble performance skills. These skills are needed by younger, less experienced string players to assist them in becoming an integral part of any ensemble. An understanding of musical performance is developed through shared learning experiences in a creative environment, guided by string specialist Jeanette Teh. Applicants should ideally have been learning their instrument for a minimum of two or more years.
See Sinfonietta in action below performing at Perth Concert Hall to no audience on Saturday 10 July 2020 #socialdistanceorchestra

“I started playing in Sinfonietta seven years ago as the nervous leader of 3rd violins. My early days in WAYO orchestras were invaluable for creating my love of playing in an ensemble and boosting my confidence as a musician…”
— Jordan, violin