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Saturday 9 December 2023 at 10am (SOLD OUT!) & 11:30am (SOLD OUT!)
Sunday 10 December 2023 at 10am (SOLD OUT!) & 11:30am (SOLD OUT!)

**All shows have sold out in record time**

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Perth College, Judith Cottier Theatre

WA Youth Orchestra
Peter Moore OAM, presenter
Dale Pointon, conductor

Your Christmas wish is granted – by popular demand!

Immerse yourself in a festive wonderland with the first-ever WA Youth Orchestra’s Xmas Babies Proms.

Children aged 2-6 and their families are invited to experience the sheer delight of Christmas through the enchanting magic of live music! Prepare to be awestruck by the harmonious melodies of a full 70-piece symphony orchestra with special guest vocalists, and your enchanting host Peter Moore OAM.

This interactive musical program is brimming with your all-time favourite Christmas tunes in an unforgettable, fun-filled journey.

Proudly presented by St John of God Health Care

This special Xmas Babies Proms Season has also been made possible with support from WAYO’s Principal Partner Woodside Energy


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$16 per person (unallocated seating). No booking fees.
Children under 2 are free (ticket required) provided they do not require a seat.

Proudly presented by St John of God Health Care, Community & Family Partner