Membership Payment Form (EFT)
Price: $650.00
Price: $1,250.00
Price: $1,850.00

Support Us

We understand that some of our members may face financial constraints, which is why we've committed to keeping our fees as affordable as possible for 2025. Despite the fact that most other youth orchestras around Australia charge fees up to four times higher than ours, we strive to maintain a $650 membership fee. It's important to note that this fee only covers a small portion of the total cost of running our programs, which amounts to nearly $3,000 per member annually.

While we exert considerable effort to bridge this gap through limited funding and sponsorship opportunities, your support, no matter how big or small, can truly make a substantial impact. your support - no matter how big or small - makes a difference. Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible and go directly into our programs, giving young Western Australians the best training and performance opportunities.

Read more about why your contribution matters


Account: WA Youth Orchestras
Transaction Reference: [Member's name]
BSB: 306-042
Account Number: 5521336

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Why we ask you to please consider a donation on your membership payment form – no matter how small.

Why does WAYO charge membership fees?

It costs close to $3,000 per member to run our award-winning programs. The $650 membership fee represents a small fraction of the actual cost and we work very hard to try and make up the many hundreds of thousands required, as well as continually control our spending. Like most small not-for-profit organisations this is becoming increasingly difficult every year. Some of the other state youth orchestras around Australia now charge over $1,500 for their annual member fee.

Why hasn’t WAYO put up their fees much in the last eight years?

Our very low fee base allows virtually every young Western Australian the opportunity to access our programs. It also allows those that are already feeling the financial burden of an instrument and lessons, on top of the cost of living pressures we are all facing, to have a practical side to their musical and social development that WAYO provides. In the last 5 years some of our costs have exploded – for example, rehearsal and concert venue hire costs have increased nearly tenfold. WAYO has been trying to absorb these costs to allow all members to access our program.

How about Government funding?

WAYO is privileged to receive core funding from the Government of Western Australia through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, however no small to medium arts organisation has received any increase for the funding program in the last 5 years to deal with rapidly rising costs. This funding goes directly into our programs. Federally, the Australia Council has removed all funding to all the state based youth orchestras, despite the terrific results these state youth orchestras achieve around the country.

How about finding more sponsors?

Every year WAYO punches well above is weight in sourcing sponsors, and has even won awards and been recognised nationally for its sponsorships. We also have a committed pool of other sponsors and donors that help us partly bridge the gap between the fees charged to members and the actual cost of presenting our programs. WAYO employs no fundraising consultants so the funds we do get go straight back into our programs.

How about cutting costs?

The WAYO office has only three full-time staff and is one of the most efficient arts organisations in Australia in relation to its office spend and large output. At the same time we are committed to our members’ safety and supervision and never cut costs in relation to risk management, rehearsal and concert staffing and for all our members’ wellbeing.

How much should I donate?

A donation is entirely optional, and even a small donation is incredibly helpful. Furthermore, all donations over $2 are tax deductible, and donations of $50 and above may be acknowledged in our publications, if desired. Your donation goes directly into our programs and WAYO is legally bound by strict annual auditing conditions and detailed government reporting regulations.

What if I cannot donate but would like to help?

We understand. We do also ask all members to try and sell a few extra tickets and spread the word about our concerts – it’s one of the best ways in which you can support us.

What if I work for or know of a company or individual that may be interested in sponsoring WAYO?

Big or small, we would love to hear from you for a confidential and obligation free discussion.

If you would like further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Ben Burgess
Executive Director