Philharmonic Sectionals 18 May 2024

May 14th, 2024|Member Notices|

This week, Saturday 18 May, you will be having sectionals at WAAPA, 9am – 12pm.

  • Strings and Harp are in the RGA (usual room) with Dale conducting. Semra Lee will be with you for the first half of rehearsal. Then the whole Darlington Quartet will join you for the second half of rehearsal.
  • Winds are in ES4 with Tresna Stampalia
  • Brass are in ES2 with Bill Theis
  • Percussion are in Voice Room 2 with Genevieve Wilkins. Please arrive by 8:15am [ read more ]

Philharmonic at Hale School 16 March

March 13th, 2024|Member Notices|

This Saturday 16 March, you will be rehearsing at Hale School in the John Inverarity Music & Drama Centre.

Google Map link

Same rehearsal time: 9am – 12pm

Only Philharmonic will be rehearsing at Hale School this day. All other junior ensembles (Camerata, Flute Choir, Collegium, Sinfonietta) will still be rehearsing at WAAPA.

For those who have children across multiple venues we understand the time required to drive between the venues that day for drop-offs and pickups. We will have staff at [ read more ]

Welcome to Philharmonic 2024!

January 24th, 2024|Member Notices|

Hi Philharmonic Orchestra members, parents, and guardians,

Welcome to Philharmonic 2024! We’re really excited for what is going to be a fun and exciting year.

The conductor for first semester is Dale Pointon. The conductor for second semester is Sara Duhig.

The first rehearsal is Saturday 10 February 9am – 12pm, at Richard Gill Auditorium, WAAPA (Building 1, 2 Bradford Street, Mt Lawley – maps attached.)

It is expected that everyone arrives by 8:45am at the latest and is warmed up and tuned before [ read more ]

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