Rehearsals consist of both full orchestra rehearsals, as well as tutorials / sectionals where instrument sections have intensive tuition by a professional tutor. Attendance at all types of rehearsals is compulsory, and it is the member’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with the music and ensure notes are learnt prior to each rehearsal.
Rehearsal schedules are issued at the start of each semester. They are available on the WAYO website Members Area. This area also contains orchestra lists and practise parts. Details for how to access the Members Area will be made available at the start of the new year. Please note that rehearsal schedules are subject to change. You will be notified of these changes as early as possible, either at rehearsals or via email. As a general rule, rehearsals are during school terms, as follows:
WA Youth Orchestra | Philharmonic Orchestra | Camerata | Collegium | Sinfonietta | Flute Choir | |
Rehearsals | Saturdays 9am –12pm & occasional other days as required | Saturdays 9am – 12pm |
Saturdays 9am – 12pm |
Saturdays 9am – 12pm |
Saturdays 9am – 12pm |
Saturdays 9am – 12pm |
Venue | Callaway Music Auditorium, UWA | WAAPA, ECU |
Members are expected to arrive at rehearsal 15 minutes before the rehearsal starts, unpack and tune your instrument and help with any setting up of chairs and music stands. SPECIAL NOTE: Percussionists are required to arrive at least 45 minutes before each rehearsal to set up the percussion section. You are also expected to assist with loading percussion before and after concerts.
At the end of rehearsal, place your music folder neatly in the box near the door and help stack chairs and put away music stands.
Remember to bring your instrument and all related equipment to rehearsal. This includes spare parts for your instrument (strings, rock stops, reeds, double bass stool, cork grease, valve oil etc.), a 2B pencil, and eraser.
Be courteous and professional in rehearsals – listen to the conductor and refrain from talking to others during this valuable rehearsal time. Listen to your conductors even when they are talking to another section, as it will save them having to repeat instructions.
WAYO hires the rehearsal venues − we are guests. Every member is responsible for the care of the rehearsal venue while we are there. Please be respectful of school / university property, respect others using the venue and do not wander away from the building during breaks.
Electronic devices such as mobile phones, iPods etc. are not to be used during rehearsal. If you need to bring a mobile phone to rehearsal, please ensure it is switched to silent before the start of rehearsal and not used until the scheduled break.
absence from rehearsals
One of the most important factors in the success of any ensemble is the presence of all its members at every rehearsal. When an ensemble member misses a rehearsal, it means that previously covered material must be rehearsed again, which can slow down the whole group’s progress and may cause frustration on the part of the majority of musicians who do attend all rehearsals. Therefore, as a courtesy to the conductor and other players in the ensemble, the office needs to be advised of any absentees preferably a minimum of 24 hours before rehearsals, or by 3pm Fridays.
drop off & pick up policy
To ensure the safety of all our members, we ask that parents of members under 18 please make note of the following:
- Please do not drop off students more than 30 minutes before rehearsal starts. Members must arrive at least 15 minutes early so they have time to get ready and unpack.
- All students must be picked up within 15 minutes of the end of their rehearsal time. WAYO Operations Staff may not be available to monitor students after that time, and WAYO may seek reimbursement for additional staff charges if they are required to wait.
instrument insurance
With the exception of instruments owned by WA Youth Orchestras, the Association’s insurance policy does not include privately owned instruments. Please ensure your instruments are covered for “All Risks Cover”, as household insurance may not cover instruments in transit or at rehearsals and/or concerts.